September 12, 2009

Episode 2: Let It Be

When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be

— Lennon & McCartney, 1970

If you can't beat them, join them.

That's what they say, right? Well, I've decided to give in to my celebrity status in Sophia and and let it be.

The decision came to me one morning after visiting my favorite fruit stand where I get my daily fresh green grapes. That day I was wearing my mirror shades and all black, and as i approached the bars to our gated condo, I noticed two kids had been following me. I abruptly turned around and gave them my best surprise birthday party look and they ran off giggling. Right then and there, I said to myself, "wow, these people must really think I am someone famous. Well, if you can't beat them, join them, Owen."

So from now on, whenever I leave my apartment, I imitate that old 1969 clip of George Harrison leaving Apple Studios. I wear a big hat and dark shades, and always look down when someone stares at me. Never let them know I'm looking back at them. You know what I mean? Real celebrity-like!

I really put it to the test, too. While getting ready to see Macy Gray (who was quite wonderful, by the way) I told Sarah to also look the part. So she grabbed her darkest shades, put on her business look, turned on her agent-like walk, and hailed cabs for me. I noticed a couple girls peering inside our cab trying to figure out who and the hell I was. It's really starting to work for me, though. Now I feel like they have a real reason to stare at me. I also now know a small bit of what a celebrity must feel like each day of their lives. It's kind of weird, believe it or not, because some days you really just want to not be noticed or stared at when you just want to go to the store or take peaceful walk through the park.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, back to Macy Gray. Like I said, she was quite impressive. She performed her big hits, including I Try, and a stunning remake of Radiohead's first single, Creep. She also made the predominately Bulgarian crowd feel right at home by giving out warm and honest compliments, such as yelling out in between songs, "the country with the most beautiful girls & boys," and she was positively correct about the former, maybe not the latter, and she also said Bulgarian's were the "best party goers ever." Another fact I witnessed first hand--Bulgarians got rhythm!

For her encore, she added a cherry on top for me by performing a tribute to Sly & The family Stone, the band that she owes a world of debt to for influencing not only her band's sound, but for her signature raspy-like Sly Stone-drawl that he used on the hit If You Want Me To Stay and the album Fresh. I have nothing but the utmost respect for her for showing the love to him.

Sarah's friend Nevena and Joe along with 2 of his friends joined us for the show and I told them about my new found approach to my celebrity status and Joe was all for it. He even got excited about it. He said he'd try and find some big muscle-headed dudes from the American School to act as my fake bodyguards. He even volunteered to be my translator! Ha!

The next day I told my friends John and Chris about it via Skype and they even encourage me to make up a phony celebrity name just in case someone ask me for an autograph! Me and Sarah's good friend Matt came up with a good one, too: Hugo Montenegro. I stole it from the dude who created the I Dream Of Jeannie theme. Rest in peace Hugo. And no disrespect, but I'm copping the hell out of your name, buddy!

The following weekend, it was time for another road trip. This time back to Sarah's host family's home in Samokov where Alexander and Slaveika cooked us up a mean meal! The next morning we were off to Villangrad for the much talked about natural hot mineral springs and massage hotels where we met up with Matt, Joe and some more friends of Sarah that I'd never met before; Kami, Kalina, Tsetso and his sister Dessi.

And what do you know, I got my first ever massage! It was simply heavenly. This woman took my hand and lead me to a tiny, dark and sexy room where soft Young and the Restless like music played in the background while she rubbed hot oil on my body and truly Rubbed Me The Right Way! Now I know what Johnny Gill was singing about! It felt so good that I wanted to propose marriage to her right after it was over! Ha! Man, if this is what rich folks do in their spare time, I need to hang out with them more often. What!?!

I don't want to bore you with stories of the entire weekend, so here's more in pictures for your viewing pleasure:

On another note, regarding work, or shall I say my sudden new found film career. I, (me taking a deep breath) actually landed that part in that zombie film I was telling you about in week 1's post. I signed a contract and went for a costume fitting and everything. I met the director of the film, Mike Hurst and the assistant director Galia. Can't remember her last name and to be perfectly honest, the names I just mentioned might not be exactly accurate. So please don't quote me. I met so many people in one day that my head started spinning afterwards trying to remember all of them. I did ask them all to forgive me in advance if I just so happen to forget their names. They seem to have understood. I hope.

And before you even ask me, I am not quite sure I can mention the working title of the zombie film to you, yet. So as difficult as it is for me, I will just have to keep my big mouth shut about it and try to act like a real actor and vow to secrecy about the film's secret plot, actors, etc. If I get word from the director that it is okay to do so, then you all will be the first to know. Until then, don't ask me 'cause I ain't telling! Well, maybe I'll make an exception for you, Mom. Just don't tell my big mouth little sister!

However, I will tell you all this. Being around all these Hollywood types, was the most surreal thing I've ever experienced in my whole life. I really had to pinch myself a couple times when I was in a meeting discussing what they will pay me. I told them simply, "they pay people to do this?" They all laughed.

The director asked me in our meeting, "Owen, is it okay if we put you through a world of blood, gore, and violence?"

I just looked at him with a stupid expression on my face and said, "uh, hell yeah, dude."

I need to be patient, they just don't know how huge a fan I am of zombie films. Dawn of the Dead is still amongst my all time favorite top 20 movies ever made.

In my fitting room, the ladies who sized me said that it will be difficult finding a body-double or stunt-man for me because I have a (me clearing my throat) body like a model. Ha! I just laughed at them and gave them my best Martin Lawrence impression, bug-eyed, looking up and down, left and right, trying to spot the hidden camera and the late Allen Funt ready to pop out and say, "you're on Candid Camera, son!"

Anyway, if all of this is really real, then I'll be really anxious to meet my stunt man.

And yes, folks. I had to ask the director if my character dies in the film and then explained to him that in America it's kind of a running joke amongst us Americans that the Black characters always die first or eventually in most horror movies. They got a huge kick out of that and then told me the answer.

Nope. I won't tell you.

Be seeing you.



  1. owen, you are hilarious as always. i am glad to see your sense of humor didn't get mysteriously lost while flying over the bermuda triangle! congrats on getting the part in the film! that is so amazing. what if a famous director, who is a secret fan of zombie movies like you, sees you in it and decides to hire you for a big international film with a huge budget?!?! you could really be a star. i guess it is good you are starting to practice for it now. :-) probably should sign "owen davis" rather than hugo montenegro...your autograph might be worth big money to those little kids one day!

  2. What-up O!!!!!!! want to say iam proud of you kid. grabbing life by tne tail.... i still think your carzy son,but proud of you very i'am..(thats Yoda"master jedi" talk if you slipping on your star wars)hang tough son!!
    much love kid....Alvyn

  3. Owen you are having way too much fun, I wanna come LOL! But seriously I am glad that you are enjoying yourself, and getting used to the culture and your new home away from home, but I see you are still Owen where ever you are, the celebrity status is hilarious, because even back here... didn't you get that too. I love you much and I love the blogs keep us updated.

    Lil sis
